Comic John Pimps Comic Pimp
Just as I was feeling down about
mess that is comics retailing, along comes James Sime, The Comic
Pimp, with a great idea for getting comics into the hands of the
general public:
stores in the fucking airport. It's a novel idea, but
Sime doesn't address how this concept would be implemented. I
have no idea how feasible the idea is—I imagine leasing retail space
in an airport is pretty pricey—but I think Sime's basic argument is
sound: Comics (particularly graphic novels and TPBs) would be a
nice entertainment option for the captive traveling audience. I'm
thinking that digest-sized books (such as most manga series or
CrossGen's Travelers) might actually have an advantage over larger
TPBs, since the compact size makes them more portable. If Sime's
idea took off, perhaps comics publishers would publish alternate
"airport-sized" versions of their books to appeal to space-conscious
So, who's going to come along and run with Sime's idea? Has
anyone ever tried this before? What are the biggest obstacles to
making this work? I hereby call on the best and the brightest of
the comics blogosphere to put their minds to work on this problem!