Grotesque Anatomy
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
  "They're My Sister's Comics, I Swear!"
Forgot to mention earlier one of my favorite blog entries recently, Steven Wintle's post looking back at an old Archie comic.  Boy, did reading this story ever take me back.  I was never an Archie reader, but my younger sister was and I used to read her comics when I was bored.  Wait, I guess I was an Archie reader; I just never self-identified as one.  (That was probably my cover in case any of my friends ever caught me reading Archie:  "It's not mine!  It's my sister's!  I was just checking out how dorky it was!")  Now I'm older and more mature, so I can own up to my fondness for old Archie comics.  Like Steven, I always liked the stories illustrated by Harry Lucey best.  I didn't know Lucey by name back then, but I could always recognize his style when I came across it.  Lucey's figures and compositions were so fluid and expressive.  Just look at these two sample panels:

Harry Lucey Archie comic panels

Marvelous!  Aside from the wonderful art, the story ("These Changing Times") is a lot of fun too.  And Steven's analysis of the story is not to be missed.  Go read!  (Thanks for the memories, Steven. (And thanks to Johanna (who regularly reviews Archie comics on her site) for linking to Steven's post!))
Like Unto A Thing Of Irony!

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