Grotesque Anatomy
Thursday, October 02, 2003
  Counting Down CrossGen
So the October 1st deadline has apparently come and gone without any of the freelancers receiving payment from CrossGen. In fact, one freelancer actually stepped forward to inform people that he still hadn't received payment as of yesterday.  Meanwhile, CrossGen remains locked in a bunker mentality, refusing to release any statement on what's happening at the company.  The silence on the big issues everyone's talking about is baffling:  Wouldn't it be better to address the company's recent restructuring and the ongoing freelancer issue directly rather than let speculation run rampant? It's not like CG is engaging in a total media blackout, after all:  Bill Rosemann is still starting inane threads (such as this one about Way of the Rat appearing in Cinescape) in the "CG Buzz" section of CrossGen's message boards.  If CG was hoping things would simply "blow over" if they didn't feed the beast, that strategy seems to be backfiring:  Even staunch CrossGen defenders and boosters are beginning to speak in terms of "losing faith" in the company.  If the company's dedicated fanbase is crumbling, things look pretty grim for the future of CrossGen, even if they do solve their "primary financial short-term issues" by October 9th
Like Unto A Thing Of Irony!

Iron Fist

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