Grotesque Anatomy
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
  Goodbye, Cruel Blogosphere

Or:  "In This Issue, A Blog DIES!"

As you can probably guess from the melodramatic titles, this entry marks the end of the blog known as Grotesque Anatomy.  Recently several events (most notably a new job with much more responsibility) have converged to suck away the free time I used to spend on this blog.  I toyed with the idea of keeping the blog going at a much more sporadic pace, but there's something inherently wrong with a blog that only updates irregularly and infrequently (unless the sporadic schedule is in your blog's name, of course).  So I've decided to pull the plug on the blog rather than let it limp along.  I would have liked to have made it to my one year anniversary, but at least I made over a year's worth of posts, according to Blogger's stats.

And just so this isn't a boring "farewell" post if you've come over here from the Comic Weblog Updates page, here are some scattered comic-related items of note:
Finally, in a move that inspires more hope in me for the future of comics as an art form than a hundred blog entries by a hundred of the finest bloggers, I just found out that my wife's book club will next be reading Marjane Satrapi's wonderful Persepolis.  I think this is one book club meeting that I'll actually end up attending.  If I have anything to report, I'll post it to the Grotesque Rampage forum, which will continue even though the blog is being shut down.

Finally finally, thanks to everyone who took the time to read this blog over the near-year I wrote it.  I appreciate your comments, criticism, and feedback.  Now go and explore the fresh new blogs populating the comics blogosphere.  Excelsior!
Like Unto A Thing Of Irony!

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