Grotesque Anatomy
Thursday, December 18, 2003
  Archie Manga?
Dang it, Dirk Deppey beat me to the story about Sabrina's "manga makeover."  I had a post ready last night (the story appeared earlier on Comics Continuum) but my home PC crashed before I could publish it.  Dirk got in one of the cracks I wanted to make (about Archie Comics craving a slice of that manga magic), but I was also wondering if the audience for Sabrina will be as resistant to changes in art style as superhero fans often are.  My guess would be that Sabrina's readers (who I'm assuming are mainly young girls) might actually like the new look, since it would combine two of their favorite things (Sabrina and shoujo) in one package.

In any event, it's a shrewd (or is that cynical?) move on Archie's part, and I'm happy to see that Tokyopop's Rising Stars of Manga contest is leading to work in the American comic book industry for winners such as Tania del Rio.
Like Unto A Thing Of Irony!

Iron Fist

by John Jakala

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