Grotesque Anatomy
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
  But Does It Feature Wacky Hijinks?
This looks really nice:  8 ½ Ghosts by Rich Tommaso.  Garsh, that art sure looks purty [click for larger image, and see the Pulse's interview for additional samples]:

8.5 Ghosts

This comment from Tommaso caught my attention:
THE PULSE: What are some of the toughest challenges to writing comedy?

TOMMASO: That fact that I'm working in a still form. I can see a lot of gags in my head playing as a movie would, but when they need to be transcribed into a comic form, they often fall to pieces. Sometimes I can change the action, but other times it just doesn't work in ink on paper at all.
It'll be interesting to read the comic and see if any of that comes across on the page.  I would think that comics would have their own advantages in doing comedy (ability to exaggerate details, for example), but I suppose controlling the timing of a gag could be tricky.  Now I'm going to be looking for all the gags that fall flat in the comic!
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