Grotesque Anatomy
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
  Comics About 3/11
A reader from Spain (Raúl Barrantes, who writes his own weblog about comics, Comics Asylum) sent me the following email:
Writing also a weblog about comics (, i have thought that maybe - just maybe - you´d like to know that there have been opened a pair of web sites to express our anger, frustrations or whatever thoughts and feelings through comics and ilustrations. Web sites where people, comics pros or not, are called to send their contributions in a claim for peace. You can find them here: ("Comics against violence")
I'm sure there's a lot I'm not catching in these drawings, but I still find it interesting to see how Spaniards are expressing themselves through their art.  (And I found it especially interesting that there seems to be a fair amount of manga influence in many of the drawings.)

Thanks for the links, Raúl!
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